Harry/Neville. Currently still a WIP. Mostly because I’m a bum that hates edits and doesn’t want to decide how to break it up into cohesive archs right now.
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Awesome stuff, yeah?
Oooh. Lookit, so purty. Lol.
– MMM3
Hi. I really love your fics and Oathbound looks interesting. Is it posted anywhere? I can’t seem to find it. Thank you!!
The rough draft is posted on the Wild Hare Project
It was lovely! Thank you so much.
Oooh. Lookit, so purty. Lol.
– MMM3
Hi. I really love your fics and Oathbound looks interesting. Is it posted anywhere? I can’t seem to find it. Thank you!!
The rough draft is posted on the Wild Hare Project
It was lovely! Thank you so much.