Category: Teen Wolf
Meant to Live – Chapters One – Five
EAD ~ Arranged Marriage AU

Title: Arranged Marriage AU Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: Teen Wolf Genre: AU Relationship(s): Stiles Stilinski/Allison Argent/Peter Hale Content Rating: PG-13 Warnings: No Beta, Dark Themes Word Count: 4,297 Summary: What it says on the tin. “I’m serious, Stiles.” His dad frowns. Stiles frowns right back. Throws in a…

Title: TW TT AU Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: Teen Wolf Genre: AU Relationship(s): various past romances, currently gen Content Rating: PG-13 Warnings: No Beta, Dark Themes Word Count: 4,371 Summary: Everybody was time traveling! Hiyah! Seriously, I mean everybody. “What do you mean our father is dead?” Kate…
EAD Snippet ~ TW Untitled
Wake Me Up

Title: Wake Me Up Author: Saydria Wolfe Series: Dark Horse, Book 1 Fandom: Many but primarily Teen Wolf, wearing the Sentinel black dress… and the Stargate overcoat Relationship(s): Again many but I would consider this a Sterek story Content Rating: Mature, to be safe Warnings: Alternate Hale House Fire, Werewolves…