Article Sixty-Six

Title: Article 66 Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: Star Wars Genre: Fix-It Relationships: Galactic Senate/Consequences, background Padme Naberrie/Anakin Skywalker Content Rating: PG-13 Warnings: (kinda?)Off-screen Major Character Death (Palpatine), Dark Themes Author’s Notes: 1.) Pretty sure I encountered the idea of Coruscant’s Senator being their Governor in Luminous We Are by AppoApples…

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Title: Amends Author: Saydria Wolfe Fandom: Star Wars Genre: Fix-It, AU Relationships: Yoda&Bruck Chun, Dooku&Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mind-Healing/Qui-Gon Jinn Content Rating: PG Warnings: Discussion Off-screen Minor Character Death Author’s Notes: 1.) In relationships the & is [Master]&[Apprentice] because it amused me to do it that way. 2.) I tried to give…

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