
Title: Oathbound
Author: Saydria Wolfe
Series: Bound, Book One
Fandom/Genre: Harry Potter
Relationship(s): Harry/Neville, Algernon Bones/Alastor “Mad Eye” Moody, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Content Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Death, Magic, Eventually Sex. Harry had PTSD. Albus Dumbledore is a dark mother fucker.
Chapter 4 has Goblin-on-goblin bondage (not the sexy kind) and non-graphic magical torture.
Summary: An alternate explanation for why Harry used Neville’s name to get on the Knight Bus and all of the consequences.

01. Banner 2 by Zabi Dee


Harry Potter by Daniel Radcliff

Harry Potter by Daniel Radcliff

Neville Longbottom by Matthew Lewis

Neville Longbottom by Matthew Lewis

Hermione Granger by Nathalie Emmanuel

Hermione Granger by Nathalie Emmanuel

Gaia Fitzgerald by Sofia Vegara

Gaia Fitzgerald by Sofia Vegara

Full casting can be found here. Beware for the Album is dark and full of Spoilers.

A Stupidly-rough draft. When/if I get around to it, it will be brought into past tense and probably broken up into two books. I'll get there when I get there.

Chapter 1-9
Chapter 10-16
Chapter 17-20
Chapter 21-End

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